I started this blog to keep track of my exercising. I am overweight and out of shape except for amazing biceps from lifting twins all day. May 2, 2010 I will be riding 42 miles in Bike NY around NYC's 5 boroughs. I signed up for it to force myself to exercise thus the title of my blog.. bike or bust!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 1-- The test run.

I just got back from the first ride in many many years. I definitely could have ridden a lot more but I need to first find out if what I did is going to hurt tomorrow..lol. I at first tried to use a bike helmet but ditched it. I'll try again when its warmer and I don't have to wear a winter hat under it! A little bit of jelly legs when I got off but I feel really good after the ride. It perked me up and I'm so out of shape that minor ride definitely got my heart rate up.

5.2 miles in 39 minutes. I rode an average of 8 miles per hour mainly because I was so busy looking around at the sites. When I didn't daydream I rode 10 miles per hour. So I'm going to make a goal of consistently riding 10 mph for next time.


  1. Way to go, keep it up. 10mph is pretty good,any hills yet? They make skull caps to keep your head warm, always wear your helmet:-)

  2. This is Long Island there really aren't too many hills here unless I go to the North Shore. I am so out of shape I'm not ready for that. I just need to get a good speed and long mileage (endurance) up first then I'll tackle the hills.
